
 My blog is a work-in-progress. For months, possibly years, I have intended to write a blog... not every day, not every week, but certainly once a month. Sadly, I have not done that. You might wonder why I don't since so many people are writing blogs and seem to have so much to say. I guess it boils down to the fact that I am shy, even a recluse. Pamela, an author friend, recently told me that I should share tips I have learned about being an author. After all, I have been many things for many years and my most recent job experience has been navigating the world of being a new author to becoming a seasoned author. At least, I would hope that I have learned something to benefit others after nearly 15 years of struggling as an Indie Author. And, as I said earlier, I fully intended to make this a regular blog occurrence, but I really can't promise that I will. When you are both writer and promoter of your own business/books/authorship, there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day for writing blogs too. I can only promise to try to give you something of value every so often. When I post something to this blog page, I will try to share something with you that helped me a lot. Perhaps it will help you also.

Some of the topics I plan to cover:

Before you Publish

Newsletter Importance

Navigating KDP Select

Getting the Most from Twitter

And other topics.

If you desire to ask a question that you would like to see answered on my blog, post a comment. I will try to answer everyone or post about it here. Remember, to be a great writer you need to be a great reader. 


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